Ceremony of Imperial Conferment of Decoration

Conferment Ceremony for the First Order of Merit

Photo Description
Conferment Ceremony for
the First Order of Merit
(Matsu-no-Ma (State Room),
Imperial Palace)
(Photo: Imperial Household Agency)

Conferment Ceremonies for the First Order of Merit and higher are held in spring and autumn in the Imperial Palace. The order is conferred upon the recipient by His Majesty the Emperor and a certificate of order is conveyed to the recipient by the Prime Minister.

Conferment Ceremony for the Order of Cultural Merit

Photo Description
Conferment Ceremony for the
Order of Cultural Merit
(Matsu-no-Ma (State Room),
Imperial Palace)
(Photo: Imperial Household Agency)

The Conferment Ceremony for the Order of Cultural Merit is held on 3 November in the Imperial Palace. The Order of Cultural Merit is conferred upon the recipient by His Majesty the Emperor and a certificate of the Order is conveyed to the recipient by the Prime Minister.