Accession to the Throne and Major State Ceremonies and Events

January 7, 1989  Kenji-to-Shokei-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty Akihito inherited, as proof of accession to the Throne, the traditional properties as are to be handed down with the Throne (Imperial House Economy Law, Article 7), such as the sacred sword and jewels, and also the State and Privy Seals for use in matters of State.

January 9, 1989  Sokui-go-Choken-no-Gi

His Majesty's First Audience Ceremony after the Accession, with the Heads of the Legislative houses, Executive, and Judiciary and other Representatives of the people.

January 23, 1990  Kashikodokoro-ni-Kijitsu-Hokoku-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty apprised the Imperial Ancestors, at the Kashikodokoro (Imperial Ancestor's Shrine, Imperial Palace Sanctuaries), of the dates of Sokuirei (Enthronement) and Daijosai (Grand Thanksgiving)

January 23, 1990  Koreiden-Shinden-ni-Kijitsu-Hokoku-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty apprised the Imperial Ancestors, at Koreiden and Shinden (Successive Emperors and Imperial Families' Shrine and Deities' Shrine, Imperial Palace Sanctuaries), of the dates of Sokuirei and Daijosai

January 23, 1990 Jingu-Jinmu-Tenno-Sanryo-oyobi-Zen-Yondai-no-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Chokushi-Hakken-no-Gi

The ceremony in which Imperial Messengers were sent on the mission of reporting the dates of the Sokuirei and Daijosai and offering gifts at the Jingu as well as the Imperial Mausoleums of Emperor Jinmu and the four most recent Emperors

January 25, 1990 Jingu-ni-Hohei-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the Imperial Messengers reported the dates of Sokuirei and Daijosai and offered gifts at the Jingu

January 25, 1990 Jinmu-Tenno-Sanryo-oyobi-Zen-Yondai-no-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Hohei-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the Imperial Messengers reported the dates of Sokuirei and the Daijosai and offered gifts at the Imperial Mausoleums of Emperor Jinmu and the four most recent Emperors

February 8, 1990  Saiden-Tentei-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the Provinces of Yuki and Suki (the areas to set up the Saiden, the paddies where rice used for the ceremonies would be grown) were decided

The Provinces of Yuki and Suki decided were:
Province of Yuki   Akita Prefecture
Province of Suki   Oita Prefecture

September 28 and October 10, 1990  Saiden-Nukiho-no-Gi

The ceremony in which to new rice was harvested at the Saiden.

September 28   Yuki-Saiden-Nukiho-no-Gi
October 10   Suki-Saiden-Nukiho-no-Gi

November 12, 1990 Sokuirei-Tojitsu-Kashikodokoro-Omae-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor reported the conduct of Sokuirei at Kashikodokoro on the day of the Sokuirei (Enthronement)

November 12, 1990  Sokuirei-Tojitsu-Koreiden-Shinden-ni-Hokoku-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor reported the conduct of Sokuirei at the Koreiden and Shinden on the day of the Sokuirei

November 12, 1990  Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the enthronement was proclaimed and felicitations of representatives from home and abroad were received

November 12, 1990  Shukuga-Onretsu-no-Gi

The ceremonial procession in which the people of Japan saw the new Emperor after the Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi, and His Majesty received their good wishes.

November 12 to 15, 1990 Kyoen-no-Gi

Court banquets in which the enthronement was announced, and His Majesty the Emperor received congratulations of the guests.

November 13, 1990  Enyukai (Garden Party)

A garden party for foreign representatives, including Heads of States, Royal Families, Prime Ministers, and Ambassadors to Japan, and others who had attended the Sokuirei

November 16, 1990 Jingu-ni-Chokushi-Hakken-no-Gi

The ceremony in which an Imperial Messenger was dispatched to the Jingu Shrine on the mission of reporting the conduct of Daijosai, and to offer gifts

November 18, 1990 Sokuirei-Ippan-Sanga

The event in which His Majesty the Emperor received congratulations from the general public after Sokuirei at the Imperial Palace

November 21, 1990 Daijosai-Zen-Ichinichi-Chinkon-no-Gi

The ceremony held on the day before Daijosai in which prayers were held for the safety of His Majesty the Emperor and other persons concerned, so that all the ceremonies could be conducted smoothly and safely.

November 22, 1990  Daijosai-Tojitsu-Jingu-ni-Hohei-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the Imperial Messenger reported the conduct of Daijosai and offered gifts at the Jingu Shrine on the day of Daijosai

November 22, 1990  Daijosai-Tojitsu-Kashikodokoro-Oomike-Kyoshin-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the conduct of Daijosai was reported, and gifts were offered, at Kashikodokoro on the day of Daijosai

November 22, 1990  Daijosai-Tojitsu-Koreiden-Shinden-ni-Hokoku-no-Gi

The ceremony in which the conduct of Daijosai was reported, and gifts were offered, at the Koreiden and Shinden shrines on the day of Daijosai

November 22 and 23, 1990 Daijokyu-no-Gi

The ceremony (Kyosen-no-Gi) after the enthronement, in which His Majesty the Emperor offered new rice to the Imperial Ancestors and to the Tenjin Chigi (the deities of heaven and earth) at both Yukiden and Sukiden in the Daijokyu (temporary hall for the Daijosai), and partook of it himself, giving thanks and praying for peace and abundant harvests for the country and the people.

November 22, 1990   Yukiden-Kyosen-no-Gi
November 23, 1990   Sukiden-Kyosen-no-Gi

November 24 and 25, 1990  Daikyo-no-Gi

Grand banquet after the Daijokyu-no-Gi, in which His Majesty the Emperor bestowed white sake, black sake and relishes upon those present, and all partook together

November 27 and 28, 1990 Sokuirei-oyobi-Daijosai-go-Jingu-ni-Shin'etsu-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor paid reverence at the Jingu Shrine after Sokuirei and the Daijosai

November 27   Toyouke-Daijingu-ni-Shin'etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the Outer Shrine of the Jingu Shrine)
November 28   Kotaijingu-ni-Shin'etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the Main Sanctuary of the Jingu Shrine)

December 2, 3, and 5, 1990 Sokuirei-oyobi-Daijosai-go-Jinmu-Tenno-Sanryo-oyobi-Zen-Yondai-no-Tenno- Sanryo-ni-Goshin'etsu-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor paid reverence at the Imperial mausoleums of Emperor Jinmu and the four most recent Emperors, after Sokuirei and the Daijosai

December 2   Jinmu-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Shin’etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the mausoleum of the Emperor Jinmu)
December 2   Komei-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Shin’etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the mausoleum of the Emperor Komei)
December 3   Meiji-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Shin’etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the mausoleum of the Emperor Meiji)
December 5   Taisho-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Shin’etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the mausoleum of the Emperor Taisho)
December 5   Showa-Tenno-Sanryo-ni-Shin’etsu-no-Gi (the ceremony in which reverence was paid at the mausoleum of the Emperor Showa)

December 3, 1990  Chakai (Reception)

A tea party held during His Majesty the Emperor’s visit to Kyoto, after Sokuirei and Daijosai, in which the Emperor invited leading figures in the Kinki region from different fields, who had ties with the Imperial household from ancient times.

December 6, 1990  Sokuirei-oyobi-Daijosai-go-Kashikodokoro-ni-Shin'etsu-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor paid reverence at Kashikodokoro after Sokuirei and Daijosai.

December 6, 1990   Sokuirei-oyobi-Daijosai-go-Koreiden-Shinden-ni-Shin'etsu-no-Gi

The ceremony in which His Majesty the Emperor paid reverence at the Koreiden and Shinden shrines after Sokuirei and the Daijosai

December 6, 1990  Sokuirei-oyobi-Daijosai-go-Kashikodokoro-Mikagura-no-Gi

A ceremonial performance of Mikagura (Japanese Court Music) at Kashikodokoro after Sokuirei and Daijosa

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